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As the largest and most widely used content management system (CMS) on the internet, it should come as no surprise that people are constantly trying to bring WordPress down. Naturally, a number of WordPress myths have been conjured up over the years. In order to be properly informed, you have to make sure you know how to separate fact from fiction.

作为Internet上最大,使用最广泛的内容管理系统(CMS),人们不断努力降低WordPress并不奇怪。 多年来,自然而然地产生了许多WordPress神话。 为了得到适当的通知,您必须确保知道如何将事实与小说区分开。

WordPress:网络上领先的CMS平台 (WordPress: The Leading CMS Platform on the Web)

WordPress isn’t the only CMS around, but it certainly blows the competition out of the water in terms of adoption and appeal. Just :

WordPress并不是唯一的CMS,但在采用率和吸引力方面,它无疑使竞争脱颖而出。 只需 :

  • As of last count, WordPress powers more than 26 percent of the web and has a whopping 59.4 percent market share, which makes it the most used CMS platform.

  • More than 500 sites a day are created on the WordPress platform.


  • There are 44,225 WordPress plugins, which have been downloaded more than 1.25 billion times.

  • WordPress is translated into 56 different languages worldwide.


These are just a few of the striking data points. When you dig into the nitty gritty of WordPress, it becomes clear that this is one of the most superior CMS platforms on the web. But along with this title comes a target. When you’re the best, people want to tear you down. And when they can’t tear you down, they resort to bending the truth or making things up altogether.

这些只是一些引人注目的数据点。 当您深入研究WordPress的细节时,很明显这是Web上最出色的CMS平台之一。 但是与此标题一起出现的是目标。 当你是最好的时候,人们会想把你推倒。 当他们无法让您失望时,他们会诉诸事实或完全弄清事实。

不要因为这三个WordPress神话而堕落 (Don’t Fall for These 3 WordPress Myths)

In order to be an informed website developer, entrepreneur, or business owner, you need to be cognizant of the fact that the internet is filled with myths regarding WordPress.


Here are three of the most common myths about WordPress:


误解1:WordPress无法扩展 (Myth #1: WordPress Isn’t Scalable)

Somewhere along the line, a myth has been perpetuated that WordPress isn’t scalable. Some people believe that it’s a platform that’s only suited for small blogs and tiny business websites. However, this simply isn’t true. If you look at the facts, you’ll see that WordPress is anything but a CMS designed exclusively for small sites. Just ask celebrities and businesses who regularly rely on WordPress for their websites.

一直以来,WordPress不可扩展的神话一直存在。 有人认为这是一个仅适用于小型博客和小型商业网站的平台。 但是,事实并非如此。 如果您查看事实,您会发现WordPress只是专为小型网站设计的CMS。 只需询问经常依赖WordPress访问其网站的名人和企业。

Musicians like Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Snoop Dogg, Katy Perry, and The Rolling Stones all use WordPress. From the business side of things, companies like Bacardi, Sony Music, Mercedes Benz, The Rotary Club, and the New Yorker Magazine are all WordPress users.

像碧昂斯,贾斯汀·比伯,史努比·道格,凯蒂·佩里和滚石乐队等音乐家都使用WordPress。 从业务方面来看,百加得,索尼音乐,梅赛德斯·奔驰,扶轮社和《纽约客》杂志等公司都是WordPress用户。

One of the primary reasons why large businesses and brands use WordPress is that it is scalable. Not only are the search, caching, and content delivery capabilities top-notch, but there’s also true horizontal scalability. This allows websites with high traffic demands to always have sufficient architecture on-demand if they need it.

大型企业和品牌使用WordPress的主要原因之一是它具有可扩展性。 搜索,缓存和内容交付功能不仅是一流的,而且还具有真正的水平可扩展性。 这使具有高流量需求的网站始终可以根据需要拥有足够的按需架构。

Put simply, the idea that WordPress isn’t scalable is ridiculous. “With the right infrastructure, services and resources, WordPress is highly scalable,” Pragmatic explains. “It can serve tens of thousands of logged in users at a time and deliver hundreds of millions of monthly page views. It can process page requests immediately and can produce lightning-quick results to search queries. It is flexible, upgradeable and ultimately can power all manner of websites, right up to the largest and most visited.”

简而言之,WordPress不可扩展的想法是荒谬的。 “通过正确的基础架构,服务和资源,WordPress具有高度可扩展性,” Pragmatic解释道。 “它可以一次为成千上万的登录用户提供服务,并每月提供数亿的页面浏览量。 它可以立即处理页面请求,并可以产生闪电般的结果来搜索查询。 它具有灵活性,可升级性,最终可以支持各种类型的网站,直至规模最大,访问量最大的网站。”

误解2:WordPress不附带支持 (Myth #2: WordPress Doesn’t Come With Support)

The second most popular myth is the idea that WordPress doesn’t offer good support. Again, this is totally unfounded. There’s actually a ton of support available for WordPress users, though it comes via a variety of channels.

第二个流行的神话是WordPress无法提供良好支持的想法。 同样,这完全没有根据。 尽管有多种渠道,但实际上为WordPress用户提供了大量支持。

There is no support available directly from WordPress (outside of plenty of educational materials and help guides). However, there’s a robust community with thousands of users willing and able to answer questions other users have. The support and information is there. Users just have to be willing to ask.

没有直接从WordPress提供的支持(许多教育材料和帮助指南之外)。 但是,有一个强大的社区,成千上万的用户愿意并且能够回答其他用户的问题。 支持和信息在那里。 用户只需要愿意问。

Additionally, there are literally hundreds of smaller WordPress and developer communities available for support of issues of any kind.


The myth that WordPress doesn’t offer customer support is probably rooted in the idea that there is no support over the phone from a company. Remember that WordPress is an open source project, meaning that you don’t have to reply on a single support department to help!

WordPress不提供客户支持的神话可能源于这样的想法,即公司不提供电话支持。 请记住,WordPress是一个开放源代码项目,这意味着您不必在单个支持部门上进行答复就可以提供帮助!

误解3:WordPress太难学了 (Myth #3: WordPress is Too Complicated to Learn)

It’s time to get over the myth that WordPress is an over-complicated CMS platform that you can’t learn without getting a four-year degree in web development and coding. The reality is that WordPress is among the easiest, while Drupal and Joomla are typically considered to be far more challenging.

现在是时候克服这个神话了,WordPress是一个过于复杂的CMS平台,如果没有获得Web开发和编码的四年制学位,就无法学习。 现实情况是WordPress是最简单的工具之一,而Drupal和Joomla通常被认为更具挑战性。

You can get started working on WordPress within days of learning how to use it! That’s because you really don’t need any HTML or programming knowledge to get started (it helps, but it’s not a requirement). It is, however, important to pick up knowledge about PHP and HTML in order to customize themes, templates, plugins, and other parts of your WordPress sites.

您可以在学习使用WordPress的几天之内开始使用WordPress! 那是因为您真的不需要任何HTML或编程知识即可入门(这很有帮助,但这不是必需的)。 但是,重要的是要掌握有关PHP和HTML的知识,以便自定义主题,模板,插件和WordPress网站的其他部分。

WordPress is intuitive on its own, but the fact that there’s such a massive base of users means there are plenty of resources, guides, and courses available online. If you really want to become proficient at WordPress, you can do it!

WordPress本身很直观,但是事实是,如此庞大的用户群意味着在线上有大量资源,指南和课程。 如果您真的想精通WordPress,可以做到!

WordPress:原因的领导者 (WordPress: The Leader for a Reason)

Is WordPress perfect? Absolutely not. Does it have flaws and shortcomings? You bet. But there’s a reason WordPress is considered the leading CMS platform. Whether you’re currently looking around for a CMS platform to run your business website, or you’re simply doing some research as a current WordPress user, be careful what you read and where you consume information. Anyone can make anything sound true on the internet and it’s up to you to verify the validity of certain statements before considering them to be truth.

WordPress完美吗? 绝对不。 它有缺陷和缺点吗? 你打赌 但是有一个原因可以认为WordPress被认为是领先的CMS平台。 无论您当前正在寻找用于运行企业网站的CMS平台,还是只是以当前的WordPress用户身份进行一些研究,请务必仔细阅读内容和在何处使用信息。 任何人都可以在互联网上使任何事情听起来都是真实的,这取决于您确定某些陈述的真实性,然后再将其视为真实。

WordPress is a leader in this area for a reason. If you want a scalable platform with ample support and an easy-to-learn interface, this is the platform for you.

WordPress是这个领域的领导者。 如果您想要具有足够支持和易于学习的界面的可扩展平台,那么此平台就是您的理想选择。



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